Casali Rum Coconut Dragées 1kg

€ 21,99

Sweets, Candy


1,000.00 g

In store:

Available in 5 days

Delivery time:

7-10 Days

Casali Rum Coconut Dragées Vienna.

Casali Rum Coconut Dragées.

Casali Rum-Coconut - that is a liquid rum core, rolled in fine coconut fluffs und covered with several layers of fine melting milk chocolate.

Weight: 1kg

We recommend to you Casali Rum Coconut Liqueur too.

The history of Casali reaches way back into the past. In 1782, Joseph Casali founded his company in the port city of Trieste, which was part of to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Since 1970, Casali belongs to the Josef Manner & Comp AG.

Casali Rum Coconut Dragées

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