Austrian cowbell key chain Alpine cowbell

€ 7,99


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Austrian cowbell Alpine Cowbell Key Chain

Austrian Cowbell - Alpine Cowbell Key Chain.

Alpine Cowbell Key Chain with Austrian coat of arms and alpine flowers (edelweiß, alpine rose, gentian).

Size: 14 x 2,5 cm

A cow bell or cowbell is a bell worn by freely roaming livestock, making animals easier to locate should they wander off. In Austria and Switzerland, when the snow has melted in the spring, villages send the cows to the high alpine meadows to graze. This event, called Alpaufzug, is celebrated in each village with a procession through the village to the high pastures. The cows are decorated with floral wreaths woven through the horns. The best milk-producing cow in the village leads the procession and wears the largest bell.

Austrian Cowbell Key Chain Alpine Cowbell key chains

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