Bracelet Edelweiss

€ 19,99
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Bracelet Edelweiss

Material: metal. Total length 20 cm, the bracelet can be changed over to other sizes - on the differently spaced eyelets, so that it fits the smaller or larger hand.

Bracelet Edelweiss

Edelweiss metal bracelet, decorated with five flowers of typical alpine edelweiss flowers and many small glass crystals - Straß. The Edelweiss bracelet, which can be adjusted to different hand sizes.

Edelweiss is a well-known mountain flower. As a scarce, short-lived flower found in remote mountain areas, the plant has been used as a symbol for alpinism, for rugged beauty and purity associated with the Alps and as a national symbol especially of Austria. There is a folklore associated with the edelweiss in which it is stated that giving this flower as a gift to a loved one is a promise of dedication.
The common name is from the German word "Edelweiß" as a compound of edel "noble" and weiß "white."

Bracelet Edelweiss Austria

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