Tyrol Eagle Flask Wood

€ 18,90


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Flask Tyrol

Hip flask with Tyrolean eagle engraving has a capacity of 177 ml, covered with real wood. The hip flask Tiroler Adler is made of stainless steel.

A Tyrolean eagle hip flask is made of stainless steel, only about 3cm flat, has slight curvature and therefore you carry the hip flask mostly in breast pocket on hikes and in the mountains. The hip flask Tyrolean eagle is usually filled with schnapps to get a refreshment. The hip flask is engraved with Tyrolean eagle and has a pivoting screw cap, which is connected to the hip flask. So you can not happen that he is not to be found.

Tyrol Eagle Flask

Material: steel, wood

Content: 177 ml

Size: ca 11 cm

Tyrol is a country in the west of Austria, the capital of Tyrol is Innsbruck. Tourists from all over the world love Tyrol for impressive mountains and beautiful nature. That is why Souvenir Flachmann Tiroler Adler is also very popular. In Tyrol you will also find glaciers, chamois, marmots, unique folk music or perfect ski slopes in winter. In Tyrol is also the highest mountain in Austria, the Grossglockner.

Austria Flask Tyrol stainless steel