Traditional Cooking Tyrol Cookbook

€ 14,00


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Traditional Cooking Tyrol Cookbook

Traditional Cooking Tyrol Cookbook order online.

Traditional Cooking Tyrol recipes

Traditional Cooking Tyrol Cookbook to buy.

Book A5, 96 pages.

Language: English

Tyrol has a long culinary tradition which is firstly due to its long-established, nourishing rural cooking with recipes that have been handed down through the generations.

Diversified and traditional food is the basis of Tyrolean cooking.

Tyrol - a taste of the mountains.

Tyrol (or Tirol) is a historical region in the Eastern Alps, in Western Austria and Northern Italy. Tirol - rugged peaks, rolling Alpine pastures, picturesque valleys, spectacular glaciers...

Breznsuppe, Almerer Knödelsuppe, Käseknödlsuppe, Bärlauchknödl, Erdäpfelsuppe, Rollgerstlsuppe, Gröstl, Kasmuas, Ködel, Zillertaler Schissalnudeln, Krautkrapfen, Hirschrückbraten, Rehrahmtopf, Schweinsbraten, Apfelkiachel, Moosbeernocken, Zimtnudeln etc.

We sell tyrolean souvenirs too: mugs, baseball caps, keychains, postcards.

Traditional Cooking Tyrol Cookbook order online

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