Rowan Berry Schnapps Tiroler Kräuterdestillerie 0,7L

€ 28,99


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Rowan Berry Schnapps from Austria.

Rowan Berry Schnapps Tiroler Kräuterdestillerie.

A true rarity!

We exclusively use sun-ripened, hand-selected rowan berries to make this delicious schnapps with its acerbically spicy, fine bouquet and its characteristic round and full-bodied taste. Its finish is powerful, classy and well-structured.

Alcohol content: 38%

Content: 0,7 Litre 

„Your genuine piece of Tyrol“ best releases its fruity aroma at a drinking temperature between 16 and 20°C – a true delight for you and your closest friends.

About the rowanberry tree:

Not only the fruits, also the tree itself has many uses. For example the bark is used to give wool a brown or reddish dye. The wood of the Rowan berry is elastic, fibrillate and nicely grained making it a popular wood for carving and wood turning. In poor forest regions, the forester used to have his hands full to protect the sought-after wood of the Rowan Berry against desperate toy carvers and wood turners.


The Rowan Berry also takes its stance culturally and within popular superstition! For example, in Sweden the tree is supposed to protect the animals in the grazing season against evil spirits. The Celts considered the Eberesche (like the walnut, fir and apple tree) to be a tree of life, and planted them in their holy places of worship. An Irish saying suggests that the Rowan can be used as shelter against lightning and the spells of witches.

Tiroler Kräuter Destillerie (Tyrolean Herb Distillery) produces since 1916 real Tyrolean specialties of the best and natural quality: Purest brandies, fruity schnapps, real fruit juice liqueurs, original Tyrolean Jagatee, soothing herb bitters, clear herbal liqueurs, the unique and popular ice and fire liqueurs.
Since time immemorial, Tyrolean farmers have produced spirits from fruit, herbs, seeds, berries and roots - as elixirs of life and home remedies. The profound experience of the forefathers thus forms the basis for the good things we make.
Our principles of working preserve traditions. Many herbs, roots, seeds and berries come from the high pastures of the Tyrolean Mountains and are delivered by Tyrolean mountain farmers who focus on traditional farming and cultivation methods, in the most excellent and freshest quality. At Tiroler Kräuterdestillerie, these precious ingredients are steeped in alcohol and distilled after a long and careful maceration. This gentle proceeding preserves the precious substances of the plants, which makes the Tiroler Kräuterdestillerie products such unique delicacies!
All Kräuterdestillerie products are genuine Tyrolean! They are produced with a strong emphasis on natural and gentle processing - exclusively in Tyrol - and offer full and natural pleasure to all supporters of high quality standards.

Rowan Berry Schnapps Tyrol

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