Coffee Mug Gustav Klimt The Kiss

€ 17,99

Gustav Klimt

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Coffee Mug Gustav Klimt The Kiss

Coffee Cup Gustav Klimt The Kiss. Size: plate diameter 10.5 cm, cup height is 6 cm.

Material: Porcelain

Coffee mug with most famous image of Gustav Klimt: The Kiss. Enjoy tea or coffee in the afternoon from a beautiful mug adorning Gustav Klimt's most famous painting: The Kiss. And even more - even such a small cup can beautify your living room or your kitchen.

Gustav Klimt (1862 Vienna - Vienna 1918) is the great, defining figure of the Austrian century art. Klimt is undoubtedly the most important artist of the art nouveau in Austria, but also occupies an important position on an international scale. 1907-1908 Klimt's most famous painting, The Kiss. It was shown in the Kunstschau Wien in 1908 and by k.k. Ministry of Culture and Education.

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Coffee Mug Gustav Klimt The Kiss

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