Walkin Stick Badg Austria Edelweiss

€ 7,99


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Walking Stick Austria Badges

Walking Stick badges Austria.

Walking stick badges Austria

Material: Metal

Stick badg with nails attached to a walking stick (wooden stick).

Badg Edelweiss Motif: Edelweiß with inscription: Austria

Edelweiss Austria badges

An Austria Stocknagel Edelweiss is a small plaque made of sheet metal, which is attached with a few nails to a cane or walking stick and depicted on the sights. Walking stick badges serve as a souvenir and collector's item. Stick medallions are originally a Central European / Alpine tradition, and one rarely finds stick nails in other parts of the world.

The Edelweiss is the most famous alpine flower and therefore also popular as a patch Edelweiss Patch. Edelweiss is also in the logo of the Austrian Alpine Association and other alpine clubs. The Edelweiss symbolizes beauty, love magic, love proof, daring and purity. The Edelweiss - the queen and the symbol of the Alps.

Austria walking stick badges Edelweiss Stocknägel