Salami Bergsteiger Wiesbauer 1kg

€ 34,99

Sausage, Bacon


1,000.00 g

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Available in 5 days

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7-10 Days

Austrian Salami Bergsteiger

The Bergsteiger salami from Wiesbauer Company Austria is a product of first-class quality. The salami is made from pork, beef and bacon. Thanks to air-drying and smoking during the production of the salami, its durability has been increased, so that this salami can be stored even at room temperature. However, it should be consumed soon after cutting the first slice.

You can buy the Austrian Bergsteiger salami as a whole punch weighing approximately 1000 grams (one kilo).

The name Bersteiger means mountain tourist, which means that durable salami is also great for trips where you do not have to worry about the salami losing its quality or tastiness.

Wiesbauer is a famous Austrian manufacturer of sausages and salami with a wide product pallet. The company has its seat in Vienna and since 1931 from its founder Franz Wiesbauer. The most famous product is the Bergsteiger.

Bersteiger Salami Austria

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